Page 30 - Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association Sale Catalog
P. 30

2023 SOPHA
                     Spring Sale Information

                                 Terms and CondiTions
        PayMent: Terms of sale are cash or check.  diSPuted BidS: The auctioneer will settle any
                                               disputes as to bids.
        ownerShiP: Cattle are the property of the purchaser
        as soon as sold.                       adjuStMentS: All claims for adjustments must be
                                               made in writing within 6 months of sale. Any animal
        PaPerS: Registration certificates will be furnished for   returned to the seller because it does not comply with
        each animal sold. Calves born after the sale from the   the guarantee will be at the buyer’s cost of transpor-
        services of a non-owned sire will not be accompanied   tation. Animals of breeding age that fail to breed after
        by an AI certificate.                  6 months trial may be returned to the seller’s farm, if
                                               in good condition. The seller reserves the right to try
        Bull Guarantee: Bulls are guaranteed breeders if   said animal for 6 months, and if the animal proves
        properly cared for, and not allowed to pasture breed   a breeder, to return it to the farm of the buyer. If the
        until 18 months of age.                animal proves a nonbreeder, the purchase price will
                                               be refunded or another animal will be furnished at the
        cow Guarantee: All females are guaranteed to be   buyer’s request.
        breeders. Females reported as bred are guaranteed to
        be safe in calf. Open heifers have not been served.  Mail BidS: Those unable to attend the sale may send
                                               buying orders to the SOPHA secretary.
        Guarantee: The cattle offered for sale are sold
        under the terms and guarantees recommended by the   notice: The guarantees and terms and conditions
        American Hereford Association with reference to   of sale shall constitute a contract between the seller
        health, freedom from defects, reproductive unsoundness   and buyers of each lot. The Switzerland of Ohio
        and freedom from specific genetic unsoundness. Buyers   Polled Hereford Association (SOPHA) assumes no
        are responsible for referencing the AHA website for   liability, legal or otherwise. The owner is responsible
        current information regarding genetic abnormalities   for any statements or announcements regarding his
        within the pedigrees listed in this catalog.  consignment in the sale. All persons who attend the
                                               sale do so at their own risk. The SOPHA assumes no
        health: All cattle must have a certificate of    liability, legal or otherwise, for any accident which
        vet inspection.                        might occur.

                           SOPHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS

            Gene Turner, President               Kaci Eddy        Bob Ullman
            Jason Eddy, Vice President           Debi Howard      Keith Ullman
            Rick VanFleet, Secretary
                                                 Jud Love         Andrea VanFleet
                                                 Brenda Merry     Travis West
            Rick VanFleet, Secretary,            Scott Moore      Don Pollock,
            21989 Woodsfield Rd., Sarahsville, OH 43779   Tom Ostgaard  Director Emeritus
            Phone: [740] 732-4783

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