Reed Farms Calf

Semen Specials

Limited amount of NJW 79Z Z311 Endure 173D - $250/straw
CRR About Time 743 - $200
C GKB Guardian 1015 ET - $250/straw (very limited amount available)

News & Updates

Semen now available on ASM 405B Red Man 325L ET Semen now available on Birdwell New Standard 2912 ET

Jim & Linda Reed
PO Box 126
Green Ridge, MO 65332
Phone: (660)527-3507
Fax: (660) 527-3379

Friends and Customers:

It is with pride that we welcome you to our website. Contained on this site are bull semen and certificate listings for Reed Enterprises, information and catalogs managed or attended by Midwest Cattle Service, and cattle information for Reed Farms. We hope that you will find this site useful and informative. We are constantly striving to provide the best service to you. As such, we have developed this site, and will constantly update it with EPDs, pictures, or other information as it becomes available.

Reed Enterprises

We are a one stop shopping center for Hereford genetics. We started this service in 1979 and now serve clients in nearly every state each year, as well as some foreign countries. The sires represented here are among the very top of the Hereford industry today. Their genetics are the future of your cowherd and will help determine your breeding program. Should we not have a bull listed that you would like to use, please contact us. We feel that if a bull has been collected and the semen is available, we can get it for you. As you study the sires, keep in mind the whole production enterprise. Select bulls that fit your environment and management, and would produce cattle for your market. Be careful of the extremes in any trait. Remember the old saying "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Midwest Cattle Service

We provide production or dispersion sales management, which includes advertising, sale preparation, conduction of the sale, and sale wrap-up. We also will produce the sale catalog, and the catalog service is available even if we are not managing your sale. We also furnish ringwork, sales by private treaty, and other cattle merchandising needs. If you are interested in buying Hereford cattle, feel free to review any sale catalogs or private treaty sales that we have on our site and then contact us with questions or to place a bid. If you need to sell Hereford cattle, please contact us regarding a private treaty sale or auction.

Reed Farms

This area is the more personal part of the site. Here you will find pictures, pedigrees, and information on cattle owned by Reed Farms. You can view herd sires, brood cows, and young calves that we are very excited about. Also listed are animals that are available for sale.

We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you. If you find anything wrong with this site, please contact us and let us know. Please contact us when you have need of Hereford semen, certificates, or want to discuss your breeding program. We work 24/7 because we know you do.

Jim and Linda Reed
Reed Enterprises